Saturday, 9 March 2013

Campaigns/mind map

It is time to campaign for a GMO-free Europe!

Our vision is of European food and farming free from GM crops and corporate control.

By campaigning locally we also get to areas where the biotechnology industry can’t reach. So local and regional campaigning is crucial to ensure that we preserve a GM free agriculture and GMO-free food in Europe.
More and more regions and local governments all over Europe have started to declare themselves GMO-free and through this grassroots approach national governments and the European Union will be forced to acknowledge the will of the Europe people who say “No to GMO”.
EU legislation allows “regional measures” to avoid GM contamination (see legal chapter below), giving regional and local governments tools to declare themselves GMO-free.
 Actions in UE

Munich, Germany
One of Europe´s biggest farmer protests against genetically modified (GM) foods and crops took place on January 31 2004 in Munich, Germany.
In Spain
In Spain, several regions have reacted to the authorization to commercially grow GM varieties granted by the central government since 1998.
There are initiatives in Cataluña where several organizations are asking for a GMO-free Cataluña. In particular an important catalan farmers union, Unio de Pagesos, have asked the regional government on 9th March to declare Cataluña GMO-free.

Active Spanish Organisations and institutions on GMO
Amigos de la Tierra
COAG, el directorio ecológico y natural
Greenpeace - Decir no a la ingeniería genética
Plataforma Transgènics Fora!  
Plataforma Galega Antitransxénicos
Som Lo Que Sembrem

"Sóm lo que sembrem" is a platform that comes out from the Assembly of farmers of Catalonia to support a Popular Legislative Initiative contrary to transgenic crops in Calalonia.
The platform is composed by more than a hundred Catalan organizations.
Their aim is to raise awareness of the implications of the Catalan population crops and GM food in our house. 

Our task is directed to:

a. Consumption: including health issues, critical consumption, labeling, right to decide impact of GMOs in organic food, etc.
b. Farming: particularly aimed at sowing campaign in 2008, include the issue of the impact of GM crops.
c. Solidarity aimed to develop solidarity actions to alleviate the repressive measures against the movement activists.

The aim of the ILP (Proposed Law) is to stop the cultivation and development of GM foods in Catalan territory, as well as ensuring a thorough labeling of products that contain raw materials.

Actions and demonstrations in Spain

On 15 April 2013,   a social movement of farmers, citizens and ecologists in Spain  denounced the pro-GMO policies of the Spanish government during a week of action.

This is the fifth annual 'Action week against GMOs and in support of food sovereignty' organised by farmers trade unions, consumers associations and green groups.
Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland launched the GMO-free Britain campaign in October 2002 involving particularly their own local group network, but increasingly also other groups.
A number of resources have been produced enabling groups to lobby their local government to declare themselves GMO-free, including campaign action guides, press material, in-depth briefings, as well as promotion material like posters, leaflets and stickers. (see
 In Scotland

In Scotland the Highland Council's Land & Environment Select Committee has recommended the adoption of a revised Highland Council policy on Genetically Modified crops. This policy was homologated on 18th December 2003. The policy recommends that the Council:
(a) take active steps to encourage the establishment of a GM-free zone in the Highlands
(b) open discussions with the 10 European regions opposed to GM crops and who were appealing on this basis to the European Commission
(c) initiate discussion with the NFUS, SCF and other agencies, adjacent Local Authorities and the wider Highland community to seek their support for the Council's view; and
(d) call on SEERAD to introduce rules on co-existence that would ensure that organic and conventional farms would not be compromised by the presence of GM production, in the event that other parts of the UK became involved in such production
In February 2004 the Welsh and Scottish executive blocked the go-ahead for the first GM crop in Britain, a strain of GM maize called Chardon LL or T25 and patented by Bayer. The Welsh executive has pointed out that UK regulations stipulate that a particular crop can be grown in one country only if the other two agree.
 Campaigning on what level?

Campaigns for GMO-free zones in Europe have been targeting authorities on different levels. There are four main approaches:  
-National approach
- Regional approach
- Local approach
- Target big (mostly public) land owners

Top tips for running your campaign

·        Remember you don’t have to be an expert.

     You are acting as a concerned citizen.

·        Find out what else is going on in your area.

Are any other groups in your area working on GM already? Could you team up?

·        Divide up responsibilities.

This is not a campaign for one person! One can build links, Another of you may want to take on the role of media contact and another the organising of events such as the campaign launch.  

·        Make a plan

The best way to approach it and which of the actions outlined in this pack might be best taken

·        Meet regularly

Feedback on developments, revise your plans, share new ideas, and set further action points at a regular meeting.

·        Keep a record of suport

If businesses, organisations or celebrities declare their support, share this at your meetings and keep a record in one place so all of your group know who’s already on board.

·        Be positive

Environmental campaigners are often seen as being against everything. It’s really important to propose positive alternatives, for example healthy food, organic food, local food production for local consumption, and support for the local economy. All of these provide economic, social and environmental benefits.

·        Remember that winning is not everything

It’s more important to raise the issue and increase awareness, generate vocal support within your community and maintain the debate.



You have to organize a PLAN OF ACTION:

            - What are the problems?

            - Find solutions

            - Look for supporters and sponsors

            - You need publicity

            - Organize a march

            - Write banners

            - Organize a sport event

            - Volunteer to help to …

            - start an email campaign

Boycott those shops


We need publicity / Invite journalists to a meeting / Organize a march in the street / Organize a protest / Volunteer to help to … / Look for supporters and sponsors /

Key phrases:

Let’s organize a meeting

How about (starting an email campaign)?

Why don’t we (boycott the ….?

Shall we (protest about the decision)?

 Grammar needed:

Might – for possibility

Will - for sure

1st conditional: If people stop ….…, we will ….. // We will …… if people stop …..
If they don't ............., we will.......// We will ......... if they don't .....


"It is time for an awakening" / "Is it a save and beneficial process?" / "Is it dangerous for the Environment?" / "Does Genetic Engineering create serious Environmental problems?" /  " Does it affect wildlife?" /  "Can Animals be GM? Protect the animals" / "Are you benefitting from Genetically engineered crops?" / "Are you paying a dear price for you and your children's future?" /  "Are GMOs safe to eat? /

 YouTube videos:

      -      Genetically Engineered Animals


    -       Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) - Myths and Truths 


     -       What are GMO animals?

     -       Genetically modified food 1(If people let government decide what foods they eat…)

         -       Genetically Modified Organisms - ISS 310 

Choose a Campaign to support and organize a PLAN OF ACTION:

1. Healthy lifestyle Campaign

2. Protect the welfare of our wildlife

3.  Help Hens lay their Eggs Campaign

4. Action Against GMOs in Spain Campaign

5. Pro Biological Food Campaign

6. Take Action for the Welfare of farm animals. Worried about farm animals?

7.Food Waste Reduction Campaign 

8. Step up for animals used in research and testing

9. Campaign to improve the lives of Europe's dairy cows. Supporting better dairy.

10. Local Food Campaign.

11.Healthy Eating for all Campaign

12.Elephant Ivory Poaching Campaign (Animal welfare)

13. The welfare of animals in Captivity Campaign

14. Save endangered animals Campaign

15. Our life at the cost of theirs Campaign

1. Tips for a healthy lifestyle mind map:

Just 60 minutes of activity a day can make a big difference.

That’s all it takes to make people healthier and happier. And you don’t even have to do all the activity in one go. Instead you can do it bit by bit throughout the day. And it adds up in no time.

Step 1: Choose an activity   

  • Walk to/from school
  • Chase dog around garden
  • Chase brother/sister around sofa
  • Swimming
  • Cycling
  • Walking in the park
  • Running round the playground
  • Helping with the shopping
  • Helping with the vacuuming
  • Tidying your bedroom
  • Playing an active video game
  • Dancing in the front room
  • Skipping in the garden
  • Helping with the gardening
  • Playing hide and seek
  • Playing balloon volleyball
  • Skateboarding
  • Rollerblading
  • Playing ‘chase’ in the park
  • Aerobics
  • Running
  • Gymnastics
  • Playing football
  • Tennis/badminton
  • Martial arts such as karate
  • Games like hopscotch

Why 60 minutes is important?

Ensuring children get at least 60 minutes of activity, which gets them hot and slightly out of breath each day can help prevent major illnesses later in life. 
Kids who are active are more likely to have a healthy weight and a better outlook on life. And the more active they become, the more they’ll start to enjoy physical activity, so things get better all the time. Tempt them away from the TV and computer whenever possible and reduce the time they spend sitting on buses and in cars by suggesting they walk part of the way. It’s much more fun than being stuck in traffic and it’ll count towards their 60 minutes. 

Physical activity helps kids to:     
  • Be happy
  • Sleep well at night
  • Concentrate at school
  • Control their weight
  • Grow up healthy and strong
  • Meet new friends
  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Improve their confidence

Active encouragement.

Encouraging your children to take part in fun family activity can help prevent major illnesses like heart disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer later in life. It can also help them be happier and more confident and help them control their weight and even sleep better at night.

Just 60 minutes is all it takes and lots of things count like using the hall for hopping races, playing football in the garden with the washing line as a goal, and putting on a dance show in the front room. And they can break their 60 minutes down into 15 minutes here and 10 minutes there throughout the day.

Take life on, one step at a time. TIPS:
Friendly Stroll   

 Going for a walk with a friend is a great way to spend an evening
and a lot cheaper than going elsewhere.

Get out with the Kids 

   As parents, you play a vital role in shaping what your kids think about physical activity. Just making a few small changes can make a massive difference. Chasing your kids around the garden or park, or having a kick about is good for you and fun for them. Swimming is also a fun way to get you and the kids fit. The easiest way to be active every day is to make it part of your daily routine, a bit like brushing  your teeth, but more fun.

 Walk more often
 Try walking some of the way to and from your destination. You only need to get off the bus a couple of stops early. Over time that will make a real difference to your health and fitness, one step at a time.

Get out at Lunchtime

   Why not go to the shops or park at lunchtime instead of staying at work? The walk will also make you feel more awake in the afternoon.

 Leave the Car 

  When you pop out to the local shop, why not walk instead of taking the car?

   Get on up! 

  Draw the curtains, turn up the music and dance around the living room to your favorite songs.

Take the Stairs
  Try taking the stairs instead of the lift or the escalator.



 Gardens and Parks
    Even planting flowers and growing vegetables can be good for you. Yup, even gardening counts as exercise. For those of us without one, or if green fingers aren't your thing, a walk through a park can be invigorating as well as being a much needed break from your daily routine.


What are wild animals?

Wild animals are the animals that live free in the environment and have not been domesticated or closed in a cage.


 How is the situation of the wildlife?

Most species in the world are disappearing because:

·         Humans are destroying their habitats.

·         These animals are hunted for leisure.

·         Because in the food chain when one specie is affected all ecosystem is affected too. It’s because the cycle of matter.

·         The climate change and the pollution of the environment.

·         Introducing exotic animals that compete with native species. It can alter the food chain and can end with the native species. 

Solutions to avoid these problems: 

·        To avoid this problem first of all we need to aware people of this important problem. If they don’t know the problem, they will never help us to mend it.

·        To ban large-scale fishing with nets that destroys the seabed, which it’s the habitat of a lot species that dead because they can’t survive without it.

·        Crate more natural reserves where people can’t make buildings and hunt animals.

·        Try to use more renewable energies.

·        Take care of our environment and don’t dirty it.

·        Reduce the gas emissions and toxic substances to the atmosphere and our seas from the  industries.

·        Create SOS places for the endangered animals that can be extinct.

·        Control the size of the cities and try to preserve the land that belongs to the animals.
To solve this problem, we think there should be more government implication about the preservation of the environment and the protection of the welfare of our wildlife.  In our opinion they aren't involved in these things. 


Egg laying hens are one of the few types of farm animal in the UK that, on some farms, are still kept in close-confinement cage systems for all of their productive lives.
More and more people are choosing eggs from hens kept in higher-welfare alternative systems, such as barn or free-range.
Hens are naturally inquisitive animals with a strong desire to perch, preen themselves, dust bathe, forage and nest.

Although the design of battery cages changed by law across Europe in 2012, from the barren to the so-called ‘enriched’ battery cage, we are still very concerned that hens can’t carry out all of their important natural behaviors properly in such an environment. We want to see all laying hens kept in well-managed free-range or barn systems instead.
Love hens? Enjoy eggs?
Always choose eggs labeled :        
  • Freedom Food
  • Free-range
  • Organic
  • Barn
Don't forget egg ingredients, such as:

  • quiche
  • sandwiches
  • mayonnaise
  • cakes
  • pasta
Your choice makes a difference to the lives of millions of hens

All egg boxes are labeled with how the hens were farmed. Make sure you check the box carefully, and don't buy eggs marked with 'Eggs from caged hens'.


It’s time for awakening.

GMO crops are destroying our environment and we should do something about it.  We don’t know for sure the side effects that this type of food will have on us so we must protest to change this situation. We must stay all together to fight for our rights to eat healthy food instead of genetically modified food! It’s bad for our health and people have to be aware of this problem so this way we can live in a better world.

We have found the best solution for everybody: We need to stop eating all the GMOs as a sign of protest and industries will have to ban all these products forever. To achieve this goal we have planned to organize a meeting where all people will be welcomed and we encourage you to take part in this project. To do, it we also need sponsors and publicity to promote this activity so more people will join us in our cause. Please, could anyone help us to find a journalist or sponsors? Contact us as soon as possible.

We will also take in account all your ideas and proposals to raise this campaign. If there’s anything you want to share with us and you think it might be helpful send it to the email Remember the march will take place in Barcelona on the 23rd of June and we will go all the way through Les Rambles. It will start at 9:00 and we will approximately finish at 12:00 but if you are really interested in this topic you can stay with us to hand leaflets to other citizens.   

Are you paying a dear price for you and
your children’s future?


6. Take Action for the Welfare of farm animals. Worried about farm animals?


We would like to improve the welfare of as many farm animals as possible, at every stage of their lives and to help to improve conditions for farm animals at markets, during transport and at slaughter.

 Responsibility for farm animal welfare does not just lie with the farmers and stock-keepers that look after them. Governments, food retailers and you, the consumer, all have a lot of power to help raise welfare standards, and ensure all farm animals can lead lives worth living.

Campaigning for farm animals

We aim to improve the lives and reduce the suffering of farm animals by:

  • Aiming to have all farmed animals kept to higher welfare standards
  • Improving farm animal welfare legislation and ensuring it is enforced
  • Encouraging consumers to replace meat, eggs and dairy products with those from higher welfare production systems
  • Ensuring animal products are properly labeled so consumers can make higher welfare choices
  • Stopping the long distance live transport of animals for slaughter or further fattening.

These are just five of our goals.

How can you help? Join our campaign... improve the welfare of as many farm animals as possible, at every stage of their lives. Please support our campaigns for farm animals.

8. Step up for animals used in research and testing Campaign
Our laboratory animal campaigns take a constructive, practical approach to replacing animal experiments, reducing the number of animals used and reducing suffering.
Working with government, industry and science to improve the welfare of lab animals.

Lab animal law

We campaigned hard to ensure there would be no weakening of UE regulations on animal experiments.
Cosmetics testing on animals
Animal testing is the ugly side of beauty. Say 'No' to cruel cosmetics! 

Take action for lab animals

Join us and take action today - calling on the "Departament d'Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca, Alimentació i Medi Natural" to launch an independent inquiry into the unacceptable practices uncovered in our labs. Your email will be sent direct to Sr. Josep Maria Pelegrí i Aixut, the minister responsible for the department which licenses and regulates the use of animals in laboratories. 

9. Campaign to improve the lives of Europe's dairy cows

Dairy cattle (also called dairy cows or milk cows) are cattle cows (adult females) bred for the ability to produce large quantities of milk, from which dairy products are made. Dairy cows generally are of the species "Bonos Taurus".

The campaign to improve the lives of Europe’s dairy cows: Milk, butter and cheese can be a daily part of many people’s diet, yet despite the lovely image of black and white cows roaming a field, there are concerns about the welfare of Europe's dairy cows.

Many animal protection organizations are working together on this important issue.


Specific EU regulations already safeguard other farm animals but dairy cows have no such protection, meaning that welfare standards vary greatly across the EU, with some suffering from poor health and inadequate housing.


The "Supporting better Dairy" campaign aims to introduce EU-wide legislation that will set standards to protect the welfare of 20 million dairy cows and we need your action to help make this happen… 

It's about you!
We Love cows!
The sad truth
We're calling for new rules!
Who's in?

Take action for Europe's dairy cows: Email the EU Commission today 
Letter to the EU Commission
 To EU Commissioner,
Europe’s 23 Million cows don't have specific rules to protect their welfare as there are for pigs and hens. I think it’s unfair and I believe we need to show our hard-working dairy cows some love. I want you to use your influence to introduce a specific EU Directive to protect them. The campaign Supporting Better Dairy has a full proposal on the Directive content that I believe you should consider. You can view it at
Thank you,
11. Healthy Eating for all Campaign

We were all brought up to finish the food on our plates, but sometimes it’s more than we really need. These days larger portion sizes are also more readily available, which does mean that it’s very easy to eat too much.

Top tips for healthy eating

Love your labels

Food labels are the best way of checking what you're eating as they can tell you what's hidden inside the food. Once you know what/ how to use them, you'll soon be able to make healthier choices when you're shopping.

Be calorie smart

Counting calories are a really handy way of helping you choose balanced meals each day, and not eating more than your body needs.

Eat well plate

The eat well plate is a brilliant idea - it helps you eat a balanced diet by showing you how much of what type of food to eat at each meal. Simple!

Share packaged foods

Many foods and drinks are packaged for two adults sharing, so if you’re eating by yourself avoid temptation and save some for later.

Eat a little slower

It takes time for our brains to register we’re full, so try to eat more slowly. If you’re eating with friends or family try pacing yourself to the slowest eater.

Focus on your food

Eating distractedly, such as in front of the TV, means we eat more without noticing or even enjoying it. Swap the TV for the table.

Aim to feel satisfied, not stuffed

Try eating just one plate of food and don’t go back for seconds.

Super start your day

Don’t be tempted to skip breakfast, even if you’re trying to lose weight. If you have a healthy breakfast in the morning you’re less likely to want to snack before lunch.

Mix and match

If you know you’ll be having a proper dinner later, keep an eye on the calories by having a lighter lunch.

Pack it in

Plan ahead and try to take a packed lunch to work or when you are out and about. It can work out cheaper.

Spot the difference

Swap a big dinner plate for a smaller one and you’ll have a smaller portion. It will also look as if you have more food on your plate too.

Max your pocket, not your drink!

Try swapping for a regular size coffee made with lower fat milk – less calories

12. Elephant Ivory Poaching Campaign (Animals welfare)

The Asian Elephant population is being devastated by the excessive amounts of ivory being poached. The desirable quality about ivory is its beauty, but is it worth killing off an entire species for the creation of chachkies? Globally, creating an absolute ban would be very difficult and maybe not realistic. Nonetheless, there should most definitely be some kind of law regulating the amount of elephants murdered in the process in search of ivory.

We decided to support the "Elephants from illegal ivory markets".

We are working to keep ivory where it belongs and you can help!

"Ivory belongs on elephants"


This is our plan of action to help the Elephants:


We are going to deal with the problems in our planet of  “THE ILLEGAL IVORY MARKETS”.

Nowadays there are some elephants which are born without a horn.

Our organisation  wants to protect the elephants  from the hunters.  We ask you for collaboration to solve this problem.


We chose this "You Tube" film to show the problem.
1.     Many elephants die becouse of the illegal ivory market.

2.     The coast of one horn is between 75-100 dolars.

3.      Nowadays some elephants are born without horn.


1.     Put into prison all elephant hunters.

2.     Stop the sales of ivory.

3.     Invent new methods to protect elephants.


Hello, we are OSE, an  “Organitzation to Save the Elephants” and we are doing a survey to see the opinion of the people.

·   Are you in favour of the illegal ivory market?                                    YES     NO
·   Do you think we should do something about it?                               YES      NO

·   Do you think we should look for the hunters and punish them?       YES      NO


Citizens of Barcelona, we let you know that next Thursday October 13th, 2013 we, the "OSE organization" is organizing a race because we need to collect a lot of money to contribute in an elephant protection campaign.

To take part in this event it is necessary to pay 10€.

Others coming soon …

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